Once aboard a Washington State Ferry bound for the island, I became glued to the window. I yearned to see a cetacean of any kind. Evergreen State College is great but I do miss cetaceans when I am there! Almost immediately, a small group of harbor porpoise appeared. They were porpoising the oposite way as us and were soon far off in the distance. As we were approached the North end of Decatur Island, I spotted what I thought were dorsal fins in the distance. Fumbling for my 500mm camera, I headed outside onto a viewing deck and aimed. Sure enough, there were about four to six Transient orcas amongst a large flock of seagulls. The orcas had made a kill and were milling around quite a bit while the seagulls were feeding on the scraps. The ecnounter was quick. Soon, the ferry rounded the corner of Decatur and the orcas were out of sight. I went through my photos back inside and identified the orcas as the T035's. The matriline is made up of T035 (the matriarch, born around 1970), her daughter T035A, and two grandchildren; T035A1 (born in 2010) and T035A2 (born in 2013). It is possible that the two T034's were also there.
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