The orcas sold to marine parks are as followed:
One year old male, Lil’ Nootka, died in 1971 at Sea-Arama, TX.
Two year old male, Ramu 4, died in 1971 at Marineland, AU.
Two year old male, Clovis, died in 1973 at Marineland Antibes, FR.
Two year old female, Chappy, died in 1974 Kamagawa SeaWorld, JA.
Five year old male, Jumbo, died in 1974 at Kamagawa SeaWorld, JA.
Four year old male, Winston, died in 1986 at SeaWorld San Diego, CAL.
Four year old female, Lolita*
*Since 1986, Lolita has been the only Southern Resident orca left alive in captivity out of the more than thirty five individuals that were purchased by aquariums. She remains at Miami Seaquarium in Florida, as has now spent 44 years in the same barren tank, one that holds the title of the being the smallest orca tank in the US.
It just so happened that on this anniversary, I spent time with one the orcas who had been in the capture as a juvenile but luckily for her, she was never been sold to a marine park. Her name is Ophelia L27, and she was born around 1965, so she would have been around five years old at the time of the Penn Cove capture in 1970. Early that morning, I watched J, K, and L pod frolic offshore of my house together. . .porpoising, breaching, spy hopping, cartwheeling, and tail slapping along the way. I could see Ophelia with her presumed sisters, Nugget L55 and Surprise L86, and I wondered if it was just another day for her, or she remembered that the anniversary of her capture was on this day.
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