On August 2nd, Group A of J pod and the K14's were out West in the Strait of Juan De Fuca with Group B of J pod. For awhile, they were all headed for San Juan but then Group B turned around and exited the area while Group A and the K14's returned to San Juan Island by sunset. The next day, Group A and the K14's were up at the Fraser River in BC and stayed there all day, hopefully feeding on salmon. On the 4th, they were back at San Juan and did their "West side shuffling". That evening, many Southern Residents were headed for San Juan Island, and it looked like there would a superpod in the morning. Instead, all the Residents left, returning as a superpod (minus the L12's and L54's) on the morning of the 7th.
That same day the superpod of Residents arrived, the Odyssey of San Juan Excursions met up with another superpod; one of Transient orcas! Socializing and traveling together, four different matrilines known as the T034's, T036B's, T037's (just the B's?), and T099's continually made kills and celebrated the entire time we were with them. They had gathered in a part of Rosario Strait where Orcas, Blakely, Cypress and Lummi Island loomed up on all sides of us. I find the location one of the most beautiful places in area.
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