The first to arrive at the park's shoreline was Shachi J19, Eclipse J41, J51, Lea K14, and Yoda K36. Seemingly waiting for the rest of the orcas to catch up, the five of them socialized and moved back and forth along the coast. Eclipse J41 rolled over and did a few inverted tail slaps, then righted herself for a few tail slaps, Shachi J19 did one big breach, and Lea K14 tail slapped. Interestingly, J51 surfaced in Yoda K36's slip stream a few times instead of Eclipse J41's (his mother). The five of them then moved a bit North then moved back South and Yoda K36 began tail slapping repeatedly when her brother Lobo K26 and other orcas finally made their approach to the park. Lobo K26 then joined in with a few tail slaps of his own. Shachi J19 tail slapped too for good measure and someone did a inverted tail slap and pectoral fin slap. All the orcas then merged and headed back North together.
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